O Caminho da Liberdade

English: The Freedom Line
Spanish: La línea de la libertad (Pensamiento)

Em 1943, teve início a ofensiva aérea dos Aliados sobre o território europeu ocupado pelos nazistas, com a finalidade de destruir pontos de apoio do exército alemão. Atacados pelos caças inimigos, milhares de aviadores viam-se obrigados a saltar de seus aparelhos, sendo mortos ou presos pela polícia de Hitler. Baseado em entrevistas com os sobreviventes, “O Caminho da Liberdade” narra a aventura de um grupo de amigos que conseguiu ludibriar a onipotente polícia alemã e salvar centenas de aviadores, inspirados por um intenso sentimento de solidariedade e dignidade humana. Em linguagem ágil e romanesca, o autor revela a ousada estratégia empregada a fim de conduzir clandestinamente os homens resgatados, através da França e da Espanha, à libertação. Constituída inicialmente na Bélgica, a Linha Cometa — como ficou conhecida a rede — logo se ampliou, incorporando franceses, espanhóis e bascos. Uma história de paixão e medo, coragem e traição, na qual pessoas comuns se revelam verdadeiros heróis. A narrativa de Eisner revela os personagens de forma viva e impactante, e prende o leitor desde o início, mostrando uma face real e ainda inexplorada do drama da Segunda Guerra.


Also available in English: The Freedom Line and Spanish: La línea de la libertad (Pensamiento)

O Caminho da Liberdade book by Peter Eisner.

Editora: Zahar
Idioma: Português Brazilian
Brochura (2005): ‎329 páginas
ISBN-10: 8571108463
ISBN-13: 978-8571108463


“Chronicling a group of young resistance fighters from Spain, France and Belgium, Washington Post deputy foreign editor Eisner brings to life “the Comet Line” they formed to lead Allied troops caught in the Basque region of Spain to safety. Eisner, whose wife is Basque, has spent a great deal of time in the area, and that familiarity permeates this taut account of trust and bravery among civilians and military men.”
—Publishers Weekly

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“Washington Post editor Eisner found an intrepid and heroic one about a Belgian escape-and-evasion organization called the Comet Line. Many of its operatives were caught, but a few escaped; now in their eighties, they shared their reminiscences with Eisner, who dramatizes them in a present-tense account…. An inspiring World War II story filled with courage and steely nerves.”
—Gilbert Taylor, Booklist Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved.

“Like the cinema classic “Casablanca,” this is a gripping saga of undercover resistance, dangerous intrigue and inspiring courage in Nazi-occupied territory in World War II. Instead of in French Morocco, however, the story unfolds in German-held Belgium and France and legally neutral Spain. Instead of Humphrey Bogart’s Rick and Ingrid Bergman’s Ilsa, the main characters in this escape include a pert young Belgian nurse; a handsome, 20-year-old American B-17 pilot; and a beret-wearing Basque smuggler, a giant of a man who led groups of downed Allied airmen to safety across the rugged Pyrenees Mountains. But the most important difference between the 1942 Hollywood screenplay and Peter Eisner’s book is that the story he tells is true.”
—John Whiteclay Chambers II, Washington Post

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